What is a misaligned/restricted vertebrae and how do you get one?
A misaligned vertebra is the shifting of a bone in the spine from forceful trauma or repetitive movement. A misalignment changes the normal mechanics of the spine causing pain and altered function. Depending on the cause or severity, the pain can occur immediately or in the future.
These misalignments also create a negative effect on the nerves exiting the spine.
This happens when the misalignment causes a small local muscle spasm in that area, as well as the inflammation and irritation to the disc.
The combined effects, along with the misalignment itself, closes the hole in which the nerve travels causing a “pinched nerve”. Pinched nerves can cause a variety of symptoms, including those away from the area of irritation. For example, a pinched nerve in the neck can cause arm and /or hand pain and weakness.
A misalignment will decrease range of motion in the joint and will restrict movement.
The specific region will be tense and stiff. A common example of this would be someone who has difficulty turning their head to look over their shoulder.
Are chiropractors qualified?
Yes. To qualify as a chiropractor in Australia, there is a requirement of university study for a minimum of five years (three year bachelor degree followed by a master’s degree or a double degree in chiropractic science and clinical science bachelor, masters or professional doctorate program). Chiropractors must also be registered with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA)1.
Rest assured your chiropractors at Sydney Spinal Care meet all of the necessary requirements.
Service Areas
We proudly serve Marouba, Coogee, Pagewood, Eastgardens, Matraville, Malabar, Kingsford and much of the Eastern Suburbs.